I understand that any false or misleading statements made by me on this application will prevent my acceptance into the program or may be cause for dismissal if accepted.
I understand and accept that after being admitted to the program, I must pass a physical examination approved by Danville Area Community College. I understand that I will be asked to authorize the release of my health and demographic information to the clinical sites utilized by the nursing program.
As required by the clinical affiliates, students must undergo criminal background checks before entering the program. This form will be sent to you upon your acceptance to the program. I also understand that if the results of the background check prevent me from participating at the clinical sites, I will not be able to enter the program. At DACC, we updated all of our program manuals to state: “DACC does not rely on drug test results to deny access to any academic program for any student who is 21 or over and tests positive for marijuana. However, most clinical sites require a test for marijuana and do not allow students to complete clinicals if the test is positive. The clinical is a requirement of this program, and thus if DACC does not have a clinical partner that allows positive tests, students will not be able to complete the program and will be dismissed.
If you have any questions relative to interpretation of any part of this application, please email nursing@dacc.edu